The Top 10 Longest Beaches in The World

If you’re looking for the Top 10 Longest Beaches in The World, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the Top 10 Longest Beaches in The World.

The beach is one of our favorite places to go. I think it is the source of my happiness, the place where my inspiration was born, and I prefer long sandy beaches to beaches with an end in sight. Next, let me introduce to you the top 10 longest beaches in the world that I have been paying attention to and that I am most yearning for!

Top 10 Longest Beaches in The World

10. Long Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Washington, USA

Length: 45 km / 28 miles

Long Beach is located in Washington, USA. As the name suggests, it is also a very long beach. This beach has a total length of 28 miles, and the scenery is pleasant. Here you will feel relaxed physically and mentally as if you are walking on the clouds. Many tourists are attracted by its length and come here especially. You will not be here. Feel oppressed.

9. Virginia Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Virginia & North Carolina, USA

Length: 56 km / 35 miles

Virginia Beach is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Beach borders North Carolina to the south. It is an independent city in South Hampton Anchorage, Virginia, and the largest city in the state. The city is one of the most famous resort cities in the United States, and tourists from all over the world visit every year to enjoy the sunshine and beaches here.

Needless to say, everyone knows about Virginia Beach, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records! The sea view is always so beautiful. It has a total length of nearly 35 miles. The beach is very long. The main venue for many beach activities is here. The area is very spacious and it is welcomed by people from all over the world.

Virginia Beach is known for its long beaches, hotels of different grades, and restaurants of various flavors. It is an ideal place to enjoy the warm sunshine and feel good life. The city is known as the city with the longest entertainment beach in the world. The beach is the biggest focus here. There are always crowds of people on the beach every day, and everyone enjoys their own clean beach.

Every year, Virginia Beach also hosts the East Coast Surfing Championships, North American Beach Football Championships, etc., attracting sports enthusiasts to come and watch the games. Virginia Beach has more than 210 urban parks, covering up to 4,000 acres, each unique and offering visitors magical spaces in which to enjoy life.

8. Ninety Mile Beach (New Zealand)

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Northland, New Zealand

Length: 88 km / 55 miles

Ninety Mile Beach, the northernmost tip of New Zealand, is famous for its length and beautiful sand dunes. It is known as a world of forests, fine sand and waves, and an endless paradise. The actual length of Ninety Mile Beach is 55 miles. It is said that the missionaries in ancient times galloped along the beach to the next station.

After running 30 miles a day, the horse had to rest. He ran for three days from beginning to end, which is ninety miles. miles, hence the name Ninety Mile Beach. The beach is stretched along the Tasman Sponge on the west coast.

The main attractions of the Ninety Mile Beach Scenic Spot are the Cape Rheingo Lighthouse at the northernmost tip of New Zealand and the poles near the lighthouse. Ninety Mile Beach has two high tides and low tides every day, forming a unique beach landscape. Sandboarding and picking skins are two favorite things for tourist activities, such as beach scenery, beach gallop, Elephant Trunk Hill, etc.

7. Ibenno Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Length: 90 km / 56 miles

Ibenno Beach in Nigeria is truly arguably the best beach in the world. This is a beach with a length of 56 miles. In addition to being long, its service facilities are also very complete. Here you can play to your heart’s content, including water sports, underwater diving, and other projects, so it ranks 7th in the world’s top 10 longest beaches.

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6. Playa Novillero Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Nayarit, Mexico

Length: 91 km / 57 miles

Only on the long beach, you will see the beauty of the world. If you ask me which beach is long, my answer is Novillero Beach. This is an ultra-long beach in Mexico. The beach is in a very natural sea area, the environment is super good, and it is also very long. Its total length exceeds many beaches, reaching 57 miles.

5. Grand Strand Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: South Carolina, USA

Length: 96 km / 60 miles

Grand Strand Beach is a very famous beach in the world. Every year, friends from all over the country come to play, and because of its 60-mile-long beach, it has become a childhood paradise for children. The beach has plenty of sunshine time. At night, you can walk on the sand with bare feet, and the warm feeling can also promote blood circulation.

4. Cox’s Bazar

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Chittagong Division, Bangladesh

Length: 120 km / 75 miles

Cox’s Bazar Beach has a total length of 120 kilometers, and endless Cox’s Bazar Beach, where people can easily enjoy the beautiful sea view of the world’s first natural beach in the Bay of Bengal. For the Bangladeshis who live here, going to the beach is the happiest thing every day.

The water here is not blue and the beach is very hard, which is not suitable for those who want to lie on the beach and bask in the sun, but this does not prevent people from using the beach as a place for entertainment. People come here for surfing, swimming, and jogging. It is indeed a good place to relax and enjoy life.

You can enjoy your exclusive beach life here with your family and friends without feeling crowded. It is a very important beach in Bangladesh.

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3. Ninety Mile Beach (Australia)

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Victoria, Australia

Length: 151 km / 94 miles

Ninety Mile Beach is located on the southeast coast of Victoria and is about 94 miles long, hence the name Ninety Mile Beach. About 250 kilometers from Melbourne, the beach is the largest uninterrupted beach in Australia and the third longest beach in the world.

Ninety Mile Beach has white sand and clear seawater. Because of its continuous stretch, it has created a lot of opportunities for water sports enthusiasts, such as swimming, fishing, boating, windsurfing, etc., making it a paradise for water sports.

On the beach, people often see people standing on the beach and fishing, full of fun. There is also a special sea area for those who have no swimming experience on the beach so that those who cannot swim can swim without worrying about safety issues.

There are many open-air restaurants and bars near the beach. Visitors can also eat in open-air restaurants or bars, or have family picnics by the sea, which is very interesting. Due to the proximity to the ocean, the seafood produced is extremely delicious, so don’t miss the food at the beach restaurant, and enjoy the delicious food while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

2. Padre Island Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Texas, USA

Length: 182 km / 113 miles

The sky at Padre Island Beach is azure blue, the water is also azure blue, and the sand is white. This is the home of many marine life and animals, inhabited by seaweed plants and fish, etc., and this beach always gives me a different visual experience. Barrier Reef, Gulf Coast, Texas, USA. Extending south from Corpus Christi to the port of Isabel, it is 182 kilometers (113 miles) long and 5 kilometers (3 miles) wide.

There are many grassy hills on the island, and the beach is wide; clams, marine snails, and other aquatic shellfish are produced on the beach. The surrounding area is famous for mackerel, sailfish, tarpon, and a wide variety of birds. Most of the island was painted as a National Seashore in 1962.

1. Praia do Cassino Beach

top 10 longest beaches in the world

Location: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Length: 254 km / 158 miles

This beach comes from Brazil and is also the southernmost beach on the Brazilian coast of the South Atlantic Ocean. It is currently the longest beach in the world, with a length of 132 miles to 158 miles. At present, it is a relatively long beach in the world, and this beach is relatively beautiful, and it has a unique style that has been liked by many people, and many people even come here to have a carnival feast.

Especially for many young people, are willing to come here to experience a different atmosphere, and if it is converted into kilometers, it will be about 254 kilometers. So now it has become the longest beach in the world. In fact, it is not only longer, but also has a unique atmosphere. When you come here again, you can let yourself feel the magic of nature. The relatively well-known tourist attractions in the local area have attracted many people who like to travel and will come here to feel.

In fact, this Praia do Cassino in Brazil is already quite famous in the world, and many tourists come here every year to experience it. It has already spanned 4.5 kilometers in front of the area where Rio de Janeiro lives. This kind of data is really relatively large, so it is relatively famous around the world. In fact, many people will come here to feel the breath of nature, and they will also come here for diving and surfing, and even lie on the charming beach to bathe in the sun.

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