The Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

If you’re looking for the Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World.

From an early age, we were told the story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise may be the world’s slowest animal. It’s not, in fact. The tortoise can only be thought of as a younger sibling in terms of its slower speed. What animal is the world’s slowest, do you know? How much slower can it possibly be? Which creatures do you know that move slowly? Bring your questions, as we will examine the top 10 slowest animals in the world.

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

10. Gila Monster

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

The Gila monster is about 38 to 58 centimeters long, slow-moving, with a short tail and a fat-storing organ. The body is covered with small and non-overlapping scales. It is a famous lizard in North America. When they were found in the southwestern regions of foreign countries, humans did not consider them a threat because they moved so slowly. This guy is born with terrible venom, the venom is in the jaw, and his teeth are very sharp, so they can support themselves after birth, and never need to rely on their parents. When hunting for food, they usually kill their prey with venom and then swallow it slowly.

Although slow, this creature can strike quickly and deliver a deadly poison when attacked or hunted. Their prey includes small birds, eggs, and young birds. Usually swallowed whole, water and nutrition can be said to kill two birds with one stone. The metabolism of the Gila monster is slow, so every time after a full meal, this guy will choose to rest quietly. The venomous lizard spends 90% of its time hiding in its underground burrows and doesn’t come out until it needs to eat again or sunbathe.

9. koala

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

Koalas, also known as koalas, are marsupials unique to Australia and a national treasure of Australia. They are mainly distributed in the northeast of the Great Dividing Range in Australia, where they mainly live in tropical and subtropical climates. The koala’s diet is only eucalyptus leaves, and it can obtain 90% of the water it needs from the eucalyptus leaves it eats. It only drinks water when it is sick and dry. Some scientists have done experiments, keeping koalas in cages to stop feeding, and feeding other types of eucalyptus and other plant leaves instead of food a few days later, but koalas are unmoved and would rather be hungry Also refused to eat other food.

As a relatively low-level nutrient, eucalyptus leaves cannot provide enough energy for koalas. Therefore, koalas sleep for nearly 17 to 20 hours a day, and only four hours are left for feeding and activities. It is no exaggeration to say that koala are one of the laziest animals. Even during foraging, koalas will suddenly fall asleep. It can be said that they are really lazy.

8. Loris

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

The slow loris is a smaller ape. It is called a slow loris because it likes to eat honey. They are species in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, with a body length of 28 to 38 centimeters and a weight of 680 to one kilogram. They mainly feed on flowers, leaves, berries, and insects. They are distributed in Southeast Asia and the northeastern part of South Asia. They stay for most of the time They don’t come down from the trees, only come out at night to find something to eat, and they move slowly and will speed up when they encounter enemies. Someone once made an observation and found that it takes 12 seconds for a slow loris to move a step. Slow slow monkeys are the only poisonous primates.

Their poisonous glands are located on the elbows. Whenever they encounter danger, they will throw out the venom, and sometimes spread the venom around their children to prevent the children from being eaten. Lose. Slow loris bites can cause wound infection, swelling, or stomach pain, but are not fatal. The venom also keeps them from growing parasites.

They stay in the trees most of the time, and when they are in danger, they curl up into a ball and roll down to escape the enemy’s attack. They also have a way to protect themselves, that is, they will wear a layer of protective clothing, making it difficult for the enemy to find them. This protective coat is for some algal plants. Plants absorb the water vapor and carbon dioxide emitted by them and grow on them, wrapping them up like a protective suit.

7. Slug

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

In some areas of southern my country, it is called gnat, commonly known as a slug, which is a kind of mollusk. Common slugs are like snails without shells. Adults are 30 to 60 mm long and 4 to 6 mm wide. The inner shell is 4 mm long and 2.3 mm wide. Adults or larvae move under the wet soil of crop roots. There are a lot of activities in the field from May to July, and this little guy is afraid of light, and he will die within two to three hours of strong light, so he is active at night and starts to move out in the evening.

The peak is from 10:00 to 11:00 in the evening, and they dive into the soil or hidden places one after another before the early morning. They have strong endurance and can not eat without food. It moves extremely slowly, at a speed of only 320 meters per hour.

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6. Galapagos tortoise

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

The Galapagos tortoise is the largest existing tortoise in the world and one of the ten longest-lived animals in the world, with a maximum lifespan of up to 200 years. The Galapagos tortoise is the name of a population. There are 14 subspecies in total, and they are only distributed in the Galapagos Islands, inhabiting different islands. This guy’s daily life rhythm is extremely slow. It has to bask in the sun for one to two hours a day, forage for food for eight to nine hours a day, move and walk in the early morning, rest in the evening, and walk at a speed of 300 meters per hour. leaves for food.

The most surprising thing is that this kind of tortoise can go without water for a long time. They can still survive for a year and a half without water and food, and their vitality is very strong. The main reason is that they drink water every time. , will store part of the water in their bodies. In their world, all behavior is slow, and this includes metabolism.

5. Three-Toed Sloth

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

The three-toed sloth is a mammal with a body length of only 50 to 60 centimeters. It lives in trees all its life and does everything on the tree. It can only rely on its limbs to hang its body on the tree, even sleeping. Hang upside down from a tree branch or sit in the middle of a tree branch. Once on the ground, it can’t walk, it can’t stand, but strangely, this thing can swim in the water. This guy’s vision and hearing are quite poor, mainly relying on smell and touch to find food. They like to eat young leaves and buds. The three-toed sloth eats only 60 grams of leaves per day.

Studies have even found that sloths will not starve to death even if they don’t eat for a month. Since leaves contain very little energy, three-toed sloths must conserve energy as much as possible, and laziness is how they conserve energy. Three-toed sloths are often immobile and inactive for hours. They sleep for at least 15 hours a day, and they only move about 25 centimeters a day. Even while sleeping, though, sloths can control their body temperature, which reduces energy loss.

4. Seahorse

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

A small marine animal, five to 30 centimeters long, named for its curved head in the shape of a horse’s head. Although the appearance of the seahorse is different from the fish we usually see, it is actually a fish, breathing with gills and swimming with fins. The swimming posture of the seahorse is very special. It is standing, and it is completely wavy with high-frequency dorsal and body fins, so that it flows slowly, with a speed of only 144 meters per hour. Although they move very slowly, they can efficiently catch the fast-moving and hiding copepods, and they also know how to change their body color to camouflage themselves and avoid predators.

Seahorses are lazy, and they don’t like to move on their own most of the time, but wrap their curly tails around other seaweed or sea leeks, or hang upside down on them, drifting with the sea. Even if they have to actively swim to hunt for prey after they are hungry, they will cling to other objects again after swimming for a certain distance. Seahorses are the only animals on earth that give birth to offspring by males. They are laid by female seahorses into the brood pouch of male seahorses and then hatched by male seahorses after 50 to 60 days. At the same time, this guy is also a precious Chinese medicinal material, which has the effects of warming the kidney and strengthening the yang, dispelling stagnation, and reducing swelling.

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3. Snail

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

Snails are the most common mollusks on land and have high edible and medicinal value. Its crawling speed is very slow, and the speed of running at full speed is only 8.5 meters per hour. It has a carapace on its back, which is shaped like a small snail and has various colors. It has four tentacles on its head. Indent into the carapace together. It is said that the snail is the animal with the most teeth in the world. Although its mouth is about the size of a needlepoint, it has more than 26,000 teeth. There is a small hole in the middle of the snail’s small tentacles, which is its mouth, and there is a jagged tongue in it, which scientists call the radula.

Snails generally live in relatively humid places, hiding from direct sunlight among plants. They are omnivorous and partial phagocytosis coexist, mainly feed on the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and roots of plants, and are agricultural pests. Snails living in cold regions will hibernate, and species living in the tropics will also hibernate during the dry season. During hibernation, they secrete mucus to form a dry film, which is closed and delicious, and the whole body is hidden in the shell. When the temperature and humidity are suitable, they will come out to move. Hey, here comes the important point. Beauties should listen carefully. Some scientists believe that eating more snails will have a beautiful effect.

2. Sea Cucumber

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

Sea cucumber is an ancient undersea animal. As early as 600 million years ago in the Cambrian Period, sea cucumber was a resident of the seabed. Their bodies are very fat, without eyes or ears. Although they live in the sea, they can’t swim. They can only crawl on the bottom of the sea by stretching their bodies, and their moving speed does not exceed 4 meters per hour. When a sea cucumber is attacked, it will shoot out its intestines and viscera from the anus to attract the attention of the enemy and save its own life.

The sea cucumber that lost its internal organs will not die. After three months, a new set of internal organs will grow in his body. When the sea cucumber’s storage tactics fail, and unfortunately it is attacked by the enemy and its body is torn apart, as long as its head or anus is not eaten, the sea cucumber can still survive. As long as the growth environment is suitable, in about four to six months, the shredded sea cucumber will grow a brand new body and continue to live vigorously in the underwater world. This super-regenerative and self-healing ability are the strongest in the biological world.

1. Starfish

Top 10 Slowest Animals in The World

As the name suggests, it is a marine creature that looks like a five-pointed star. Starfish usually live on the bottom of the sea, and adult starfish have almost no natural enemies. They usually have five arms and a flat, mostly star-shaped body with many calcareous bony plates held together by connective tissue. Because the activities of starfish cannot be as flexible and fast as other fish. But as the saying goes, people are iron, rice is steel, and if he doesn’t eat a meal, he will be so hungry that eating is the biggest meal in the world, so he has to find a way to fill his stomach.

As a result, creatures that are also not very fast have become the objects of special care for starfish, such as shellfish, sea urchins, crabs, and sea anemones. Starfish is a creature that can climb up to 8 centimeters per minute. Its speed determines that it can only adopt a roundabout strategy.

They will slowly approach each other at a speed that is difficult for the prey to detect, or lie on the bottom of the sea, and when the prey passes by them When they do, they wrap their tentacles around their prey, making it impossible for the prey to escape. Normal animals send food into their stomachs for digestion, but starfish directly spit out their stomachs, digest food outside, and eat directly in one step. In this way, even if the starfish encounters some prey that is bigger than it, he can go up to get a share of the pie, and just spit out those that cannot be digested.

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