The Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

If you’re looking for the Strongest Insects in The World, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World.

Insects are the most abundant group of animals on earth. They are found in almost every corner of the world. They are the most prosperous animals in the world, more than all other animal species combined. There are a wide range of insects with different shapes. Their common features are an exoskeleton and three pairs of legs. Until the beginning of the 21st century, there were more than 1 million insect species known to humans, but there are still many species that have yet to be discovered.

In this article, we will learn about The top 10 strongest insects in the world. Only the strongest of each type of insect can be represented. The insect’s own strength/size, ferocity, spirituality/cooperation, attack power, outer armor/vitality, agility/speed, toxicity/special skills, flying ability, etc. can all be converted into a reflection of its own comprehensive strength.

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

1. Cockroaches

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

Cockroaches are the strongest insects in the world. Cockroaches are now one of the oldest insects on earth and once lived in the same era as dinosaurs. It originated in the Devonian period hundreds of millions of years ago. It was a scavenger that loved to stay in the dark and live in caves. Withstand the test of intense heat and severe cold. According to fossil evidence, the most primitive cockroach appeared on the earth about 400 million years ago during the Silurian Period.

The cockroach fossils we find or the cockroaches found in coal and amber are not much different from those found in cabinets. Its appearance has not changed much over hundreds of millions of years, but its vitality and adaptability have become increasingly tenacious. Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals have become extinct one after another. Only cockroaches have continued to reproduce to this day.

Under normal circumstances, the amount of radiation that the human body can tolerate is 5 rads. Once the total radiation amount exceeds 800 rads, death is inevitable. The German cockroach can tolerate 9000~105000rads, and the American cockroach can tolerate 967500rads! So even if there is a nuclear explosion, cockroaches can survive. In fact, cockroaches also have natural enemies, but compared to cockroaches’ ability to adapt, reproduce, and hide, the lethality of these natural enemies is really nothing to mention!

Cockroaches have a history of hundreds of millions of years, while humans only have a few million years. Cockroaches can live under 40 kilowatts of X-rays, while humans can survive for less than 1 minute. Cockroaches can live for a long time in a furnace at 100 degrees Celsius, but humans are expected to die in a few seconds.

2. Goliath Spider

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The Goliath spider (Theraphosa blondi) is the world’s largest spider. Also known as the Amazon giant bird-eating spider, it mainly lives in the rainforests of northern South America. Its length can reach up to 30 centimeters. Females can live up to 25 years and weigh up to 230 grams. The name comes from its huge size, which allows it to easily prey on and swallow birds, mice, and other small animals. The Goliath spider is one of the strongest insects in the world.

However, like other spiders, the Amazon giant bird-eating spider’s favorite food is small insects. They can also kill and eat mice, bats, lizards, and medium-sized venomous snakes, and are the largest recognized spiders in the class Araneae.

There is also a kind of Emperor Babu tarantula, with an adult foot span of more than 20 centimeters! Although it is smaller than the Amazon, it has a ferocious personality and is naturally super aggressive. Its strength is no worse than the Amazon’s giant bird-eating spider. In this kind of extreme individual tarantula, even if you don’t use the spider web skill, no insect can defeat them just by relying on one-on-one combat.

3. Asiatic Rhinoceros Beetle

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

Asiatic Rhinoceros Beetle insect, named for the horn-like protrusions on and around the male’s head. Most are black, gray, or green, and some are covered in soft hair. Another name for some of these insects is Hercules beetles because of their immense strength. Adults of some species can lift objects up to 30 times their own weight without sacrificing any speed (this is equivalent to a human being able to carry an adult male white rhinoceros without any problem).

Some people can even lift 100 times their own weight, although they have difficulty moving at this time. Male beetles use this extreme strength to fight off other males and win the right to mate with females. Rhino beetles can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm), making them one of the largest beetles in the world.

Found on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, they live in the south from northeastern Arizona to Nebraska and east. Fallen leaves, plants, and fallen logs provide safe hiding places during the day.

They are all herbivorous. Adults feed on fruits, nectar, and sap. The larvae eat decaying plant matter.

4. Atlas Moth

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The Atlas moth is considered the largest moth in the world. Its huge wings have a maximum width of 400 square centimeters, and the longest length of its front wings is 25 to 30 centimeters. The famous monster Mothra in the “Godzilla” series of movies is based on the Emperor Moth. The wingspan of the Emperor Moth is almost the longest in the world. Females are generally larger than males (however, if the wingspan is purely calculated, the Emperor Moth still ranks second to the Strong-beaked Spodoptera, also known as the “White Witch Moth”.

The emperor moth is usually found in forests in tropical and subtropical areas, mainly in Taiwan, southern China, Southeast Asia, the Malay Archipelago, Thailand, and even Indonesia. In India, local residents have the habit of raising emperor moths, mainly to extract their silk, but this habit is not based on commercial reasons.

5. Dung Beetle

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

Dung beetles, also known as dung beetles, scarabs, dung beetles, dung beetles, and dung oysters, are a subgroup under the superfamily Coleoptera. Most dung beetles belong to the subfamilies Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae, but some members of the superfamily Geotrupidae are also called dung beetles. It mainly feeds on animal feces and likes to roll animal feces into balls. There are currently more than 5,000 species.

The body shape is slightly flattened and oval, with a body length of 5-30 mm. The body color is mostly slightly glossy black, and some are brown. The head is flat and the male head has horns. It is a complete metamorphosis insect.

The food is mainly the dung of herbivores and omnivores. A dung beetle can eat more than its own weight in feces in a day.

Most dung beetles roll their feces into balls, some bury their feces underground, and some live directly in the feces. Some smaller species cling to the fur of mammals and wait to collect feces when the mammals defecate.

Dung beetles primarily use their sense of smell to find feces. In 2003, Marie Dacke of Lund University in Sweden discovered that species. The discovery was published in the journal Nature.

6. Hercules Beetle

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The longest Hercules Beetle adult body length recorded is 183 mm. It is the longest beetle in the world and one of the strongest insects in the world. It is distributed in the tropical rainforests of Latin America. It is extremely powerful, so it is named after the demigod hero Hercules in Greek mythology. It generally shows that its carrying capacity is only 100 times its weight. It is different from the one-horned fairy. The official one-horned fairy refers to the genus Rhinoceros. and six other subspecies.

Hercules Beetle is a complete metamorphosis, with a larval period of about 1-1.5 years. The current world record length of adult insects can reach 183 mm, and the weight of larvae can reach more than 200 grams. After the larval stage, they pupate. After emergence, the adults feed on tree sap or rotten fruit. If raised at home, they can also eat insect jelly.

Dynastes hercules are widely distributed in the tropical rainforests of South America. The original subspecies Dynastes hercules hercules is found in Guadalupe Island and Dominica. Its related species Dynastes hercules hercules is distributed in horses. Tinique and Saint Lucia. In areas where different subspecies meet, convergent evolution of appearance characteristics may occur.

7. Leafcutter Ant

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The American leafcutter ant genus (Atta), also referred to as the leafcutter ant genus, is a subfamily of ants subfamily, distributed in the New World, with a total of 17 living species and 1 fossil species.

Compared with other ants, leafcutter ant species are relatively large, rusty red or brown in color, have spikes and long legs, and the size of the queen is generally over 20 mm.

Generally, leaf-cutter ants refer to the genera Leaf-cutter ants and Acromyrmex, which have 34 species.

The habit of leafcutter ants (Coleoptera and Pseudomonas) in building underground bacterial gardens is different from other ants. The genera Phytophthora and Pseudomonas evolved from a common ancestor 10 million years ago. Trachymyrmex and Sericomyrmex are most closely related to leaf-cutting ants and evolved about 17 million years ago.

Scholars speculate that the symbiosis between leaf-cutting ants and fungi appeared 50 million years ago, and there is also a hypothesis that it appeared 66 million years ago. The fungi that leafcutter ants feed on have lost their ability to produce spores. Scholars believe leafcutter ants have been spreading the same branch of fungus for 25 million years, meaning the fungus must rely on ants to reproduce.

This species is a popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine, especially in the southern states of Mexico, such as Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Puebla, and Veracruz.

8. Asian Giant Hornet

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The giant hornet commonly known as the murderer hornet, is a wasp distributed in Asia. It is also the largest wasp in the world, with a wingspan of about 7 cm. Insect experts from the Chengdu Huaxi Insect Museum discovered an individual hornet over 6 centimeters long and with a wingspan of 9.35 centimeters in the area on the border between Pu’er City, Yunnan Province, and Myanmar, breaking the record for the world’s largest hornet wasp.

The body color of this species varies greatly from place to place, some are dark brown, and some have obvious yellow lines. The common feature is that the tip of the tail is yellow. The giant hornet is one of the most dangerous insects in Asia. It is famous for its ferocious aggression and violent venom. There are many cases of hurting people.

The giant hornet has strong physical strength, can fly at a speed of 40km/hr, and can fly 100 kilometers a day. Therefore, trapping is used for prevention and control, and it is still very difficult to find its hive.

The giant hornet is entirely carnivorous as larvae and can digest solid protein, but adults cannot. In addition to various fruits and nectar, adult bees generally can only drink the body fluids of their prey, and then chew the meat of the prey into a paste before feeding it to the larvae. The larvae secrete a clear, liquid mixture of amino acids through their saliva that they feed back to the adult. The exact amino acid composition varies from species to species and they are produced as needed for the adult to eat.

9. Goliath Beetle

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

The big-horned beetle (scientific name: Goliathus) is a genus under the subfamily Goliathae of the family Scarabaeidae. The English name Goliath beetle comes from the giant Goliath in the Bible.

The great horned beetle is found in the tropical rainforests of Africa. The weight of male larvae can reach 100 grams, while the weight of female larvae is only about half that of male larvae. After complete metamorphosis into adults, the weight is reduced by about half.

The body length of male adults is about 5-9 centimeters, and strong individuals may reach more than 10 centimeters. The body length of female adults is about 4-8 centimeters. It is the largest scarab beetle in the world except for the large species of the subfamily Diploideae.

The giant horned beetle is a complete metamorphosis insect. After hatching, the larvae feed on humus. However, after turning into the third instar, the larvae will become carnivorous. It is one of the few species among the scarab larvae that pursue a high-protein diet.

Their larval period is about 6 months to 1 year. The larvae are more afraid of cold than other Scarabaeidae. When the temperature is lower than 24 degrees Celsius, their vitality will be slowed down. When the temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius, they may die. They are suitable for big-horned beetles.

The temperature at which beetle larvae are active is about 28 degrees Celsius. In its native Africa, during the dry season, it will make a hard cocoon out of soil to protect itself and pupate. During the rainy season, it will emerge from its cocoon after emerging from hibernation. Adults feed on tree sap and fruits, and their lifespan can reach one year in captivity. Adults are diurnal insects, and like other members of the subfamily Anthropodidae, they are good at flying.

10. Bullet Ant

Top 10 Strongest Insects in The World

Bullet ants can reach over 2.5 centimeters in size, making them one of the largest ants in the world. They are nicknamed bullet ants because they feel pain as if they were hit by a bullet when struck by a sharp needle. Bullet ants can prey on prey as small as frogs, and even a single ant can prey on insects several times larger than itself. The only nemesis is the smaller parasitic fly. It is also the insect with the most painful bite in the world. Bullet ants are also one of the strongest insects in the world.

The Mawé indigenous people of Brazil’s Amazonas state put bullet ants into woven bamboo gloves for use in rites of passage.

The body length of worker ants is about 18-30 mm (0.7-1.2 inches), and their appearance is similar to a thick black wingless wasp with a red luster. Bullet ants are predators. Like other primitive ants, their workers are not polymorphic, and the queen is not larger than the workers. Bullet ants are not an aggressive species, but they will vigorously defend their colonies, wheezing as a warning and attacking intruders with their stings.


These were the top 10 strongest insects in the world. If you know about more strongest insects then please comment below.

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