Motivational Story of “The ugliest woman in the world”

This is an era where looks are important. If your appearance is not good, you will be ostracized at work and in life. So who is the ugliest woman in the world? It is said that the Guinness Book of Records has specially set up the ugliest woman in the world category, and another woman calls herself the ugliest woman in the world because of her ugly appearance.

Here in this article, we will talk about Known as “The ugliest woman in the world” but she finally started to fight back and got many achievements in life.

Who is Known as “The ugliest woman in the world”

the ugliest woman in the world

In our short lives, there are actually many strange things that we have never seen or heard of Lizzie Velasquez from the United States is called “the ugliest woman in the world”. She has a unique She has a skinny body, and big cheekbones, and her right eye is close to blindness due to physical reasons. With such an appearance, she looks no different from “weird” in the eyes of ordinary people. In 2006, she was caught in a video posted online and became popular.

She Has an Extremely Rare Disease

Lizzie looks thinner than ordinary people because of Marfan syndrome. This is an extremely rare disease in the world. In layman’s terms, it is a congenital lipodystrophy disorder that causes Leeds’s body fat index to be zero. In 1989, when Liz was born, due to premature birth, she weighed only 1.19 kilograms, which was half the weight of a normal-born baby. However, her brain, bones and other organs were well developed, but her body looked very thin.

Before the age of 17, Liz never knew what kind of disease she had, and even doctors couldn’t find out the cause. Ever since she was in elementary school, Liz had been living in the eyes of others. Not only would teachers be scared when they saw her, but Her classmates would also bully her because of her thinness and different appearance. As her body gradually grew, Liz began to develop some diseases, such as osteoporosis, low immunity, etc., and she often needed someone to take care of her.

What People Said About Her?

In 2006, 17-year-old Liz had learned to surf the Internet. Although she had been treated especially since she was a child, she never gave up on herself. But this time, she accidentally saw a video about herself on a website with a title that read ” “The ugliest woman in the world”, Liz clicked in out of curiosity, and then she found that the person inside was actually herself. Most of the comments below were malicious, such as “Why did her parents give birth to her?” ?” “Burn her to death!”, “She should commit suicide”, etc.

She Never Gave Up in Life

According to her own recollection, that period was the darkest period in her life. As a teenage girl, she didn’t know what she had done wrong and would be criticized by so many people. She even thought about ending it. Life, but later she came out with the encouragement of her parents and friends. In 2013, Liz chose to face it calmly and wrote a book “A Brave Heart: The Story of Lizzie Velasquez”, This book was written based on her personal experience and attracted a lot of attention.

In her first year of college, Lizzie published her first book, “Lizzie Beautiful“, which was translated into Spanish and released at the same time. Then the second book “Be Beautiful, Be You” also came out soon.

Although Liz used words to vent the world’s injustice to her, it was far from enough to make up for the harm she had suffered.

In 2013, Liz’s first video was posted on the website. She generously reintroduced herself to people and said that she would resolve rumors in her own way.

From this day on, Liz turned into a video blogger. In addition to chatting with netizens, she also shared her life with everyone every day, from her own shooting equipment to the cute puppies she met on the road, everything was displayed to everyone one by one. before.

the ugliest woman in the world

Liz wants to prove that she is no different from others, that her life can be wonderful and she has the right to love and be loved.

In 2014, Liz was invited to the TED Talk to share her story. Her optimism and confidence were admired by many people. The video was wildly forwarded by netizens and eventually exceeded 12 million views and received unanimous praise.

After Liz’s deeds spread, she was also pursued by young men. Some people regretted not pursuing her because they were all attracted by Liz’s optimistic and confident mentality. , as she said, a person’s appearance does not mean anything, only self-confidence can gain the recognition of others.

Where is she now?

Today, Liz has become a well-known social activist, giving lectures all over the world. However, the content of her speech was never about betraying misfortune or soliciting sympathy, but rather inspiring people in trouble and giving them courage and positive energy.

“That’s been my rock and carried me through everything; just having time to be alone, pray, talk to God, and know that He’s there to hear me,” she said. “Even sometimes in the dark moments when it seems like these things will never get better if you have faith and continue to encourage yourself, you will eventually get through everything.”

French writer Romain Rolland said that a truly strong person is someone who can still love life after seeing the true face of life, and Liz is that amazing strong person. Those who maliciously slandered Liz will eventually pay the price for their actions. These bullies are the ugliest people in the world.

life can’t be beautiful everywhere. When encountering difficulties and setbacks, I hope everyone can have the courage to stand up again like Lizzie.

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